In times of tragedy, the light still shines.
Through our own personal experience, we saw a need. This need begins with compassion and education and leads to recovery and healing.
Mitchell Don Gibson, age 27, a commercial fisherman from Starr SC, passed away on Sunday, March 13, 2016.
A fisherman threw his last net that night, cast his last line, got his last bite
A fisherman wet his last hook that night, tied his last knot, turned on his last light
Commercial Fisherman, Mitchell Don Gibson went home to fish with the Master of the Sea on March 13, 2016. Mitchell was born in Greenville, SC on April 5, 1988, went missing on Lake Richard B Russell on March 13, 2016 and there his body remained until it was recovered on October 27, 2016 by the heart and dedication of Gene and Sandy Ralston. Mitchell had the heart and soul of a fisherman, a hunter and good old country boy and over the years, would tell you that when it was time for him to go home to the Lord, he wanted to go while fishing or hunting.
During our search for Mitchell, we realized their was a tremendous gap in what could be done and what was done when it came to search and recovery of Mitchell. We took it upon ourselves to research what options were out there and who could utilize those resources. Waiting on him to surface, was NOT an option. Water recovery differs in EVERY case and education is the key component in ensuring that a family can gain the closure they deserve. Our goals are to bring the education, resources, capability and knowledge to the ones who answer the CALL.
During this difficult time, we made contacts all over the United States that have the know how and can help in situations such as this and our goal is to pass along ALL knowledge and resources to families who are currently struggling to find the answers they so desperately need.
Some family...some standing at that boat ramp, standing on that hill, sitting on that dock, walking that shoreline...waiting and hoping
Hoping that someone, somewhere, can help them bring their loved one home.
We are not saying that we have all the answers, we are making a promise to each of you today, that we will do everything in our power, in our world, to help you, to be there with you and to seek out the resources you may need.